School Readiness
School Readiness Services provide financial assistance to eligible families to offset the expense of childcare by allowing for a reduced parent co-payment.
Who is Eligible for SR?
- Parent(s) must be working or participating in an educational activity such as attending college or trade school at least 20 hours per week.
- Gross income must be at or below 150 percent of federal poverty level for family size.
- Families must pay a copayment for childcare based on income and family size.
- Other children may be eligible if they have special needs or are at-risk of abuse, neglect or abandonment, or if their parents are homeless, victims of domestic violence or are low-income migrant families or farm workers.
Chart as follows:
Household Size | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
150% of FPL | $30,660 | $38,730 | $46,800 | $54,870 | $62,940 |
*If your annual gross income exceeds the amount listed on the chart, you may qualify for local Alachua County funding. Please contact the Family Services Team if you have additional questions regarding eligibility guidelines.
Family Services Department email:
Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten Program (VPK)
What is VPK?
Voluntary Prekindergarten (VPK) is a free program aimed to prepare four-year-old children for kindergarten and build the foundation for their educational success. VPK is available to all four-year-olds born on or before September 1 who reside in Florida, regardless of family income.
Available Programs
- 540 instructional hours
- Class sizes not to exceed 20 students
- Instructors must have a minimum of a Child Development Associate for the school year program (Now referred to as the Birth to Five Florida Child Care Professional Credential.)
- Typical class begins in late August for 3-4 hours per weekday
- 300 instructional hours
- Class sizes not to exceed 12 students
- Typical class begins the following June for 6-7 hours per weekday
The SIS Program takes place outside a traditional classroom setting and is for 4-year-olds with special needs who have current individualized educational plans from their local school districts. To learn more about the SIS Program click here: VPK Specialized Instructional Services Education Program.
How to Register | VPK Help
School-Year VPK Registration is a two-step process.
As of January 1, 2024, parents can register online for the 2024-2025 VPK Program by clicking the ‘Parent Portal’ button on our school readiness tab.
Parents who register online will receive an email when the application has been approved and the Certificate of Eligibility is ready.
If you need further assistance, please contact (352) 375-4110 or visit our office (4424 NW 13th Street BLDG A-1) and an ELCAC Team Member will assist you.
Identification is required to validate child age and residency.
(One of the following preferred):
- Birth Certificate – An original or certified copy. (Hospital birth records are not acceptable)
- Valid passport or certificate of arrival in the US showing child’s date of birth.
- Immunization Record – Indicating child’s date of birth and signed by a public health officer or licensed Practicing physician (Form DH680 – must include parent name)
- Valid military dependent ID card showing the child’s date of birth
- Insurance policy on the child’s life that has been in force for at least two years which reflects the child’s date of birth
(One of the following preferred):
- Valid Florida Driver’s License or identification card
- Current Utility Bill (such as water or electric, within the last 6 weeks, must have parent residence on the bill)
- Current Pay stub (within the last 6 weeks, must have parent residence printed on the pay stub)
- Signed lease or rental agreement for the current calendar year
- Mortgage statement
- Documentation from a homeless shelter or domestic violence shelter
Family Portal
ELC Alachua | School Readiness
If you feel that you qualify for the subsidized childcare services, complete one application per family at the secured state website:
Please watch this video for instructions on how to navigate the Parent Portal and submit an application.
You may apply from any Internet-accessible computer. For your convenience, ELCAC has computers at our office that you may use if you do not have access elsewhere.
Once you apply, what’s next?
- Your application will be reviewed, and you will be contacted by an eligibility staff member by email. If you are potentially eligible, you will be placed on a Wait List until funding becomes available.
- Once funding for School Readiness becomes available, you will receive further guidance about the enrollment process by email.
Please report any changes in your household status, including contact information, by calling us at (352) 375-4110 ext 100.
Needed Documents
To be used when determining what eligibility forms are need in the list below.
- Electronic Local Forms
- Authorization to Release Information
- Cross County Transfer Request
- Declaration of Household Members
- Enrollment Schedule Change Request
- Medical or Maternity Leave Form
- Physician’s Disability – Employment Exemption Statement
- Request to Withdraw or Transfer
- Strengthening Families – Request for Other Information
- Temporary Suspension Request
- Verification of Address Form
- Verification of Employment
- Loss of Employment
- Authorization to Release Information
- Work Number Authorization Request
- Self-Employment Packet
“We often think that admitting struggle is a sign of weakness, but we all struggle sometimes. We all get overwhelmed sometimes. We need help sometimes. Acknowledging this is not a sign of weakness, but struggling alone is a choice to grow weak.”
– Lori Deschene
The Strengthening Families Approach supports families by helping you maintain stability, be calm and continue to nurture your family despite difficult or challenging circumstances.
It focuses on building and enhancing five protective factors that foster optimal child development. Those factors are (1) parental resilience, (2) social connections, (3) knowledge of parenting and child development, (4) concrete support in times of need and (5) social-emotional competence of children. This framework will be implemented in our interviewing process at both new and redeterminations to further guide our interactions with the families we serve. It is our hope, that with these resources, you can continue building resilience and develop skills, characteristics, knowledge and relationships that can contribute to both short and long term positive outcomes.
Best Practices
What is Inclusion?
Inclusion is a state of being valued, respected, and supported. It’s about focusing on the needs of every individual and ensuring the right conditions are in place for each person to achieve his or her full potential.
Any child who needs additional support to learn is given the necessary accommodations to meaningfully participate in their program at the childcare facility. The Child Development and Inclusion Coordinator works with teachers and/or parents to provide supports and strategies to allow for optimal learning.

Challenging Behaviors?
Children are struggling more than ever in classrooms and at home. The Warm Line is a resource for parents and providers during these challenging times. The Child Development and Inclusion Coordinator is here to support you in the following ways:
• Curriculum
• Child Development Concerns
• Strategies for Managing Behavior
• Referral Process for Additional Assistance
Warm Line
Submit a Request for Assistance
The Warm Line is a resource for families and providers who need extra support for children with developmental needs, challenging behaviors or would benefit from other services such as Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy, etc…
Please complete the following form or call our Warm Line at 352-375-4087 to speak to our Child Development and Inclusion Coordinator for assistance.
Child Care Resources & Referrals (CCR&R)

Overview of CCR&R
What is CCR&R for families?
Child Care Resource & Referral or CCR&R is a program focused on helping families find quality childcare that fits their individual needs, as well as providing referrals to other organizations that may be able to provide additional assistance for anything from food and clothing to car seats and other child safety equipment.
We can help you find and access early learning experiences and childcare programs for your little one.
Contact Deborah Sharpe at 352-375-4110 ext. 103 or text 352-663-9352
Learn what to look for in a quality childcare provider
There’s a lot to consider when you’re choosing an early learning or childcare provider. Parents wonder about the right curriculum for their child’s learning style and what signs to look for in a strong, quality program. Our free guide can help you get started in your search.
Helpful Links
- Child Care Aware of America
- Division of Early Learning
- Department of Children and Families
- Partnership for Strong Families
- CareerSource NCF
- CDS Family and Behavioral Health Services
- Community Action Agency
- Gainesville Housing Authority
- Healthy Start
- Healthy Families
- DCF Licensing
- Strengthening Families Approach and Protective Families Framework
- Youth Thrive Approach and Protective Factors Framework
- Trauma-Informed Care
- Florida KidCare
- Abuse Registry- 800-96-ABUSE
- Multidisciplinary Diagnostic and Training Program
- Florida Diagnostic and Learning Resources System
- Florida Dept. of Education
- DEL-Parents’ Page
- Hope Florida
- Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library
- Help Me Grow Florida