Early Care Education Partners and Parents: We have received several questions about President Trump’s Executive Order. We anticipate no disruptions to our programs or services.

17 Nov, 2023

Pyramid Model: High Quality Supportive Environments Part 1

Participants will review best practices for creating a high-quality preschool environment, including schedules, routines, and transitions.
20 Nov, 2023

Board Meeting

The meeting will be held in the training room located at 4424 NW 13th Street, Ste B-12.

08 Dec, 2023

Pyramid Model: High Quality Supportive Environments Part 2

Participants will review best practices in creating a high-quality, supportive classroom by creating engaging activities, rules and behavior expectations.
12 Dec, 2023

Trauma-informed Care: Child Advocacy Center: Trauma in the Early Years

The Child Advocacy Center (CAC) will present on childhood trauma and the effects it has on child development.

09 Jan, 2024

Addressing Challenging Behaviors: Prevent, Teach, Reinforce Part 1

Teachers, administrators, and other early childcare staff will learn about Prevent, Teach, Reinforce framework to support addressing challenging behaviors in
12 Jan, 2024

Pyramid Model: Social-Emotional Skills Part 1

Participants will learn strategies about teaching social-emotional skills by discussing culturally responsive practices, including families in social-emotional learning, and understanding
13 Jan, 2024

Addressing Challenging Behaviors: Prevent, Teach, Reinforce: Behavior Support Plan Workshop

This workshop will review the Prevent, Teach, Reinforce structure for addressing challenging behaviors and walk educators through creating individualized behavior
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